Changed engine for better performance, new graphics and artistic support, DEVLOG Life-Bound Souls
Hello gentlemen of the #HiveGaming community, I am here bringing you another update on the indie game project Life-Bound Souls or L-B for those who know the discord server, after sharing through Hive and Twitter I met a digital artist who has very good works on concept arts, illustration and character designer for indie games, I'd like to share his portfolio and tag him here in the community but he still thinks it's silly to get involved with a Web 3 social network that might pay him as a reward for his posts if he deserves it, so with that I had some time left for programming the prototype as well as the art for the alpha version of the project on
All rewards from the posts related to the development of the project will go to the game's cost fund, due to this in all of them I will use Hive's net payment system through with a money use report after each post
- Amount acquired with the last post: 48.168 $HIVE
- Total amount: 48.167 $HIVE
- Last post: Support my single game project at Hive! I present to you: Life-Bound Souls a 2D action RPG
Well, I would like to start the post about the project mentioning that I decided to change the engine and programming language from Game Maker Studio 2 (GMS2) to Godot, this is due to the fact that I'm having problems to integrate information that would be simple if the software was open source, which in fact is the case of our current Godot, Besides the fact that the documentation is much more detailed, not that the Game Maker Studio's is not, but in fact I got more support in my doubts in the new community, it is also thinking about the financial side of the proposal, with the license to operate the YoYoGames Game Maker Studio software costing in the current product version Indie costing $ 9. 99 a month, that is, the version I would need if the project was to become a professional one I would need to pay $78.99 a month for the Enterprise version which would allow me to export to Windows, Linux and Mac as well as mobile devices, but with the open-source Godot I get all this benefit plus general access to the software for free.

Here we have the initial prototype of the new engine I'm using, thanks to the new rendering and ease to use objects included with Godot's native physics, we can get a better collision in 2D without being limited to grids of tilesets or with the character stuck on edges, yes this happened a lot before with a chance of 2/6 with squeezed maps say, now with the native physics programmed we have the best possible collision to offer, remembering that it is also possible to use the native physics of Game Maker Studio but we need some script coverage to avoid errors like this, something unnecessary of the current.
I also changed the amount of frames per second from 30 FPS which is the natural base for games of this genre to 60 FPS, this allows me to better fit the animations making them fluid enough to convey the feeling of a living environment for the player and not something badly designed anyway to just represent the player what is character and what is the background scenery, speaking of background with the setting in 60 frames per second I decided that the entire ecosystem of the game will have itself an interaction with the current world situation, what does this mean? Simple, if it is snowing the birds disappear or are only seen flying over the sky, the streams freeze and the trees drop snowflakes from their foliage, I will try to make this as natural as possible for the player.

Here is a more satisfactory test on the current new movement, please ignore those numbers on the screen, I simply forgot to remove the debug mode for the gif recording (I was already very sleepy at dawn, don't judge me), detail for the interaction footprints with the environment where after some steps they are totally covered by snow, I was thinking if it would be too much of an exaggeration on my part to add some interactions of the character with the cold or the environment like this where she could move slower, cross her arms in some battle due to the cold or something similar, maybe in my crazy mind this is right but on the other hand maybe it implies with players more hardcores, and as already mentioned in the previous post my base is to mirror myself in games like Titan Souls, classic Zelda and Hyper Light Drifter, this last one in particular through the magnificent art I try to mirror myself.

This is another part of the gameplay present in Life-Bound Souls, perhaps we can call The other side, here we will have something similar to the underworld of the game, only supposed dead in search of a hierarchy improved through the conquest of eliminating its competitors, the mechanics is not yet 100% worthy of a gameplay recorded on video to share with everyone, but I can say that the alpha version of the project will have better battles against the guardian entities of the arenas, however combos in the great hack-and-slash style although some approaches of solving puzzles and understanding the story that is happening at the moment will also be addressed, for my happiness I managed with the $HIVE that was in my wallet at Binance convert it into Fiat and hire some things necessary for the project as access to disclosure platforms in the case the future publication in platforms like IndieDB, itch. io, Steam and Epicgames.
For now I'm just with a slot in SteamWorks that cost me $ 100.00 dollars, this allows my project even if it is not yet released to purchase the product I have this little spot guaranteed in this abyss of games published on Steam, the next step is to acquire the SDK for consoles like Nintendo Switch being the focus, this may be the biggest investment so far but I think that for the target audience is worth it, and also do not see my style of game being distributed on Playstation and Xbox platforms against the competitors and their ultra realistic realities against a 2D game.
Now I leave below some images about the art creation process and what path I am taking at the moment, I am using the software Aseprite, Gimp, GraphicsGale.
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