Some ideas about new monster abilities for the Splinterlands, nothing Brawls related this time

It's been a while since I've posted something about Splinterlands, it was interesting to try to create new battle compositions out of the traditional meta, if you haven't checked out these random compositions topics I have two articles here:
But in recent times Splinterlands has become boring due to the large use of BOTS for small player farms, this has made my battles without second position leaving my attention to passive income products through the SPLINTERSHARDS token adding it to the liquidity pools available on the site, this when I don't convert all the token earned into HIVE and add it to my portfolio balance at Binance, with the recent approved proposal of the fight against the Bots in the Modern league maybe I will try something again.
Like any traditional TCG game each card contains a specific ability or talent making it unique to its card deck, Splinterlands' recently added abilities have focused a bit on the gameplay of the Gladius cards previously restricted to Brawls, So while I was working on developing some abilities for my indie game prototype, So while I was working on developing some abilities for my indie game prototype, I ended up thinking of some other alternatives for the world of Splinterlands, first of all it is a fact that some of them would necessarily have to be reformulated by adding or changing the mechanics of how they work due to limitations of how the game was built or something like that, so take this also as a prototype that will never get off the paper.
All images used in the icons were generated by an artificial intelligence BOT on the ausbitbank server, Click here to join the server
Increases the monster's attributes by +1 every two turns at a cost of -1 per turn of allied health.
Exception of attribute increase if the allied monster contains (1) maximum health point remaining.
After five rounds the monster will destroy itself by scattering fragments that affect surrounding monsters based on their remaining health.
Spread damage is 1/3 to allies and 1/2 to enemies
Last Breath
After its health is at (1) it has a 2x attack boost and attacks the enemy of lowest maximum health, after three rounds after activation the monster is eliminated.
Effect removed if the monster receives the benefits of Tank Heal, Heal, Triage or any way to recover its health.
Replicates the attack and speed attributes of the opponent's monster of the same position.
A monster in the same slot of order 1-6 is required, if no monster is in the same order the monster receives no change.
My central idea for the skills was to assign positive and negative effects to their user, that is each one has a benefit at the cost of a disadvantage in battle as is the case with the Shredder skill that can defeat some of your opponent's monsters however also with the possibility of defeating your allied monsters.
Splinterlands Refer:
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